Carnival Balloons!

Carnival Balloons!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Face masks and smoking

Ohayo Gozaimasu!
Hope you are having a good week.  How are you all?  Genki desu ka? I'm ok, but getting a little homesick!  I miss you all!
My classes are going well, and I have lots of interesting things planned though.  I've only got 3 weeks left here now.
This week is a long weekend and there is going to be a festival on.  I'm not sure what the festival is for.  I'll find out and show you photos next week.  It sounds like it will be really cool.

I thought I'd tell you a little about 2 things that makes Japan very different to New Zealand.  Masks and smoking....

Face masks
It's common for people in Japan to wear face masks- everywhere and anywhere. I found out that usually Japanese people wear them out of consideration for others: to protect others from getting sick if they have a cold or something.  In Japan you often have a lot of people in a small space (like in subways, buses. busy streets..)

This really contrasts with the masks! 
In Japan you can smoke in most restaurants.  Yadda! (Yuck!)  Some have smoking and nonsmoking areas, and some have 'smokers rooms.'  On the other hand, people don't usually smoke in the street and there are lots of signs reminding people that if you smoke and walk, the cigarette is at the height of a child's face, so it's terrible for kids.  So in big cities there are smokers rooms on main streets where people can stop to smoke.
You can buy cigatettes from vending machines, supermarkets, kiosks and diaries.   
When I walk into a restaurant, if it's smoky I leave but sometimes I'm unlucky and while I'm eating someone in a nearby table starts smoking. 

Have a good week, take care, (ogenki de ne),

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